EOSC Association

European Open Science Cloud

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is one of the partnerships supported by the European Commission and the Member States. It aims to realise a “web of fair data and related services”. EOSC provides also virtual environment with access to various services that support open science and the management of the research data lifecycle, from sharing to processing and preserving data. The objective of EOSC is to give the European Union a global lead in research data management and ensure that European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science.

The EOSC Association will develop and implement EOSC through financial, in-kind and policy commitments from three tiers of stakeholders in the EOSC community:

  1. The contribution from the European Commission.
  2. The contribution from the Member States and national funders.
  3. The contribution from research-performing organisations, service-providing organisations, funding organisations and other EOSC relevant organisations through the membership in the EOSC Association.

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) strategically defines the roadmap for implementing and further developing EOSC with the wider stakeholder community.

CSC is a member of the EOSC Association since December 2020. In January 2021, we received from the Finland's Ministry for Education and Culture (OKM) the mandate to organise and coordinate the EOSC Finnish Forum. It is the national initiative aimed at engaging the Finnish stakeholders in the EOSC ecosystem and at assessing the impact and opportunities of EOSC. CSC is also driving many EOSC related technological and policy developments in several EC-funded projects.

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