Heilsa Tryggvedottir

a Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration on sensitive health research data infrastructure

Access to human genetic data is fundamental to enable ground-breaking discoveries and to improve human health. Multiple countries, including the Nordics, have established national initiatives to generate genomic data and link to phenotypic data. Especially the pan-European 1+ million Genomes Initiative with 21 member states signatories is a driver to improve medical research and personalised care. To ensure Nordic advantage and participation, we need a cross-border secure and federated infrastructure, extending the national funding and enabling regional cross-border work.

The objective of Heilsa Tryggvedottir is to productise and build on achievements from NeIC Tryggve project to increase interoperability of the Nordic e-Infrastructure to support data management, including requirements for data quality, standards, technical infrastructure, and while also considering ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI). An outstanding Nordic expert team capable of developing sensitive data software driven infrastructure solutions at the highest European and global standards has been gathered for the project.

The vision of Heilsa Tryggvedottir is a common and production-ready platform e-Infrastructure framework. We intend to make genomic and health data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), with technical and infrastructure support adopting global data standards; increased Nordic data interoperability and harmonisation, and collaboration with privacy-preserving access procedures and international computing e-Infrastructures (e.g. LUMI Euro-HPC).

Heilsa Tryggvedottir will enable a cross-Nordic infrastructure for federating sensitive data and providing secure computing environments for data analyses. In the project, the focus is on building federated services that are interoperable and enable cross-border sensitive data analysis. These will be based on national computing services and sensitive data archives, as well as ELIXIR infrastructure services, like ELIXIR AAI.

The entire Nordic biomedical community will benefit from the proposed project, as we will enable Nordic scientists to exploit the high-quality Nordic medical data assembled across our countries. This, in turn, will lead to new discoveries to benefit human health and our societies, and potentially also exploitation in business applications, such as artificial intelligence algorithm development on structured and internationally interoperable data resources.

Financial support for this project was provided by the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC).