Nordic Gateway for Research & Education

NORDUnet is a joint collaboration by the 5 Nordic National Research and Education Networks in Denmark (DeIC), Finland (Funet), Iceland (RHnet), Norway (UNINETT) and Sweden (SUNET). NORDUnet is based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

NORDUnet's vision is to be the Nordic Infrastructure for Research and Education, by providing a common world-class network infrastructure, services, support and collaboration platform for the Nordic NRENs and research and education communities. In addition, NORDUnet facilitates other common e-Infrastructures as requested by the Nordic national e-Infrastructure stakeholders. NORDUnet also acts as the Nordic representative towards international initiatives, like the pan-European research network collaboration GÉANT.

Together with the Nordic NRENs (National Research and Education Networks), NORDUnet works continuously to further develop leading edge services and to push the technology envelope. The NORDUnet conference is organised biannually in one of the Nordic countries by NORDUnet in collaboration with the National Research and Education Networks and Nordic science infrastructure organizations. The conference brings together people from Nordic NRENs, higher education institutes and research institutes to collaborate and share knowledge on latest developments, services and research cases. In addition, the NORDUnet Technical Workshop is held biannually in Copenhagen.

CSC operates and develops the Finnish research and education network Funet. NORDUnet provides Funet with the connectivity to international research networks and the internet. NORDUnet utilizes common Nordic resources and leverages common procurements to provide Funet with high quality services where advantages of larger Nordic volumes lead to reduced cost for CSC customers in the Funet network and in services like web conferencing.

CSC participates in NORDUnet's corporate governance and administration, and multiple CSC representatives are members of the network's Customer Advisory Group. Common projects and cooperation with other higher education and research networks through NORDUnet expand the scope of collaboration. This allows CSC to enable the conditions for Finnish strategic research and ensure their competitiveness in the long term, as well as promote Nordic interests in jointly represented networks such as GÉANT.

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