The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration

The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) is an organisation facilitating the development and operation of high-quality e-Infrastructure solutions in areas of joint Nordic interest. The NeIC is a distributed organisation consisting of technical experts from academic high-performance computing centres across the Nordic countries and Estonia.

NeIC was established in 2012, and its sustainability was consolidated through a Memorandum of Understanding between the five national research councils and NordForsk.

NeIC has operational responsibility for the Nordic distributed Tier-1 facility that is part of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). It provides computing and storage for CERN and is used by high energy physicists worldwide. NeIC also develops and deploys innovative infrastructure services in response to the strategic priorities in the area of e-infrastructure and the needs of the national e-infrastructure providers, their users and selected ESFRI projects of joint Nordic interest. In addition, NeIC coordinates the EOSC-Nordic project which aims to facilitate the coordination of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries.

NeIC’s activities enable Nordic researchers to have more open avenues for resources, advanced support, collaborations and scientific advancement. Funding of NeIC’s activities is provided through Nordic national funding agencies, NordForsk and participating project partners.

CSC is one of NeIC's national membership organizations. As a part of the infrastructure, CSC participates in providing Tier 1 computing and storage resources for accumulated CERN research data. CSC is also engaged in various RDI projects partially funded by NeIC, which allows CSC to develop its resources and partnerships in the Nordics and the Baltics.

More information

Visit NeIC’s website