FENIX is a collaboration of HPC centres working on the harmonisation and federation of their supply of e-infrastructure services with the goal of supporting a variety of science and engineering communities.

FENIX-RI is an e-infrastructure with the distinctive characteristic of data repositories and scalable supercomputing systems being in close proximity and well-integrated. FENIX-RI has been created in collaboration with six European supercomputing centres. An initial version of the infrastructure was set up through the Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure (ICEI) project, which is a part of the European Human Brain Project (HBP). Fenix endorses the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures by European Commission.

FENIX-RI has five main objectives:

  1. Procuring equipment, maintenance services, licenses for software components and R&D services for realising the elements of the e-infrastructure.
  2. Designing a generic e-infrastructure for the HBP for scientific use and usable by other scientific communities.
  3. Building an e-infrastructure that incorporates interactive computing services, elastic access to scalable computing resources and federated data infrastructure.
  4. Establishing suitable e-infrastructure governance, developing a resource allocation mechanism for HBP users and European researchers.
  5. Assisting the expansion of the e-infrastructure to other communities that provide additional resources.

CSC joined FENIX in 2021. CSC leverages this collaboration for strategic priorities around federation and technical developments regarding AAI and security, but also service portfolio development and enhanced support to users as well as infrastructure developers and operators.

More information

Visit FENIX’s website