
Find, Access and Reuse Data

DataCite provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Its services allow members from the research community to make their research outputs discoverable by making them uniquely identifiable and the associated metadata available to the community. DataCite also develops associated services to improve the DOI management experience, which make it easier to connect and share DOIs with the broader research ecosystem and to assess the use of DOIs within that ecosystem.

DataCite promotes data sharing and citation through community-building efforts and outreach activities as an active participant. The development of their services is entirely user-based, aiming to make user interfaces, registering DOIs and institutional reporting as simple as possible. It makes it easy for researchers to follow best practices.

CSC has been a member of DataCite since 2016 and leads the DataCite Finland Consortium. The membership supports Finnish implementation of FAIR data principles, ensuring visibility for research and securing research integrity.

More information

Visit DataCite’s website