High-level Specialised Application Support Service in High-Performance Computing (HPC)

EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is deploying a European-wide high-performance computing infrastructure, comprising a number of supercomputers that range from small petascale to large high-end pre-exascale and exascale systems. To date, part of the responsibilities of the Hosting Entities is the provision of support services to users that are selected by EuroHPC JU to access the systems. These services are currently limited primarily to help desk support for day-by-day operational issues and problems. 

EPICURE aims to establish and operate a distributed but coordinated European-wide high-performance computing application support service to encourage the best possible uptake of the systems by European scientists and researchers. Application Support Teams in collaboration with key support actions funded by the EuroHPC JU will provide their services aiming primarily at Level 2 and 3 application support. This support focuses on application porting, optimisation and execution of key applications to a selected number of projects, which have been allocated time by the peer-review process managed by the EuroHPC JU. 

EPICURE will also develop a European HPC Application Support portal that will allow European HPC users from public and private sector, including SMEs, to retrieve information on all the systems offered by the EuroHPC JU, their architectures and access mechanisms, and the available support services. 

CSC is coordinating the EPICURE project as well as leading the dissemination and outreach activities. CSC will also oversee the implementation and continuous upgrades of the European HPC Application Support portal. In addition, CSC, as a LUMI consortium member and LUMI host organisation, will support EuroHPC JU users in the installation, enabling, porting and code optimisation of scientific applications. Finally, CSC will contribute to the preparation and implementation of specialised training activities that provide users with the expertise to efficiently use the supercomputers.

More information about the funding

This project is supported by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) under grant agreement No 101139786 and by the Research Council of Finland under funding decision No 359855.