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We improve the operating conditions for Finnish research and education

Our aim is to promote the digitalization of education and research, thus boosting the competitiveness of Finnish society as a whole. The impact of our operations is created together with our networks, customers and partners. Our competence ultimately benefits the end users of our services: learners and scientists at research institutes and higher education institutions.

We offer expertise and high-performance infrastructures

Our experts work systematically to support research, development and innovation (RDI), the national education system, culture, and digitalization in public administration. We wish to apply our special expertise to boosting our customers’ success.

Data intensity is growing strongly in all sectors of society, and our goal is to lend our special expertise to promoting our customers’ success. Competence and capabilities associated with efficient data management and processing are in a key role. We provide high-performance digital infrastructures for our customers’ use.

We aim for broad societal impact

We develop and maintain research infrastructures, understand our customers’ needs, and support customers in using our services. Tailored, sector-specific expert services play a key role in our customer solutions. We help our customers develop their processes and get the best value out of our services.

Together with our partners, we seek new funding opportunities to ensure that we can provide services of the highest possible standard for higher education institutions and research institutes. Our goal is to help Finnish RDI and expertise reach the global leading edge. We are active in international networks and participate in a number of European development projects that also contribute to promoting Finnish research and education.

Our advocacy

The purpose of our advocacy is to support the operating conditions of Finnish education and research. We lend our expertise to support decision-making on digitalization, research and innovation policy at the national and European levels.

In particular, we wish to make visible the needs related to the digitalization of RDI and education, ensuring that their preconditions are addressed when developing regulation.

We keep up with the digitalization, research and innovation policy and contribute to discussions from the perspective of digital infrastructures.

As part of our advocacy:

  • we contribute to the drafting of national and European level decisions by issuing statements; read more about our statements
  • we comment on the preparation of EU funding programs
  • we serve as experts, for example in committee hearings.

Contact information

Irina Kupiainen

Director, Public Affairs

Irina Kupiainen is responsible for and CSC’s Public Affairs.

+358 50 3812644


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